GOVIS 2024 - Trust to Innovate

Tuesday 6th August, National Library of New Zealand, Wellington, Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa & online.

Pre-conference workshops at the same place on Monday 5th August (in person only).

The theme for GOVIS 2024 is Trust to Innovate. In 2024, the public service will face increasingly complex and demanding challenges, with limited resources to meet them. The only way forward is to innovate more, and we need to be trusted to do this and take some risks.

At the same time, we need to remember the serious consequences of innovating faster than the speed of trust. Innovation should be done with our customers and partners and not to them - so as we innovate, we also need to build trust.

For example, AI tools have recently become much more capable and accessible… but how should (and shouldn’t) we harness this technology? Data is richer and more abundant… but are we collecting and using it in a transparent and effective way? Digital transformation projects of various sizes are underway… but are we really putting customers at the centre?


Conference Registration Options and Fees
All fees are in New Zealand dollars (NZD) and include Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 15%.

Ticket Type


Member in-person


Member virtual


Non-Member in-person


Non-Member virtual


Low wage in-person


Low wage - virtual


Workshop Registration
This year, GOVIS is offering two pre-conference workshops on 5th August (held at the National Library):

  1. What value does data governance bring to the public service, and how can you get it to stick?

  2. Supporting equity in data and data-driven technology

See the programme below for more details about the workshops. Please note that they are in-person only (spaces are limited). Registration is $100 (incl GST) per workshop, however with any conference registration (as above) this is only $50 (incl GST) per workshop.

To check if your agency is a member of GOVIS, click here.

Low Wage Option
A limited number of low wage registrations are available for tertiary students, Community Services Card holders, or people attending on the basis of work that they carry out on in a voluntary capacity. We are also making this available to out-of-work public servants, defined as any of the following:

  1. Anyone who has been made redundant from a GOVIS member agency since 24 November 2023 and who has not yet started in another paid role (includes people who are still seeing out their notice period, excludes voluntary redundancies).

  2. Anyone working for a GOVIS member agency who has been told that they will need to (re)apply for a new or similar role (often referred to as an 'expressions of interest' process), or take redundancy, and who has not yet started in another paid role.

  3. Anyone undertaking contract work for a GOVIS member agency since 24 November 2023, who has since completed that contract (or whose contract has been terminated), and has not yet started in another paid role (contract or permanent).

The low wage option costs $100 for in person attendance at the conference on 6th August, and includes one or both of the pre-conference workshops on 5th August. Alternatively it is just $50 for online attendance at the conference on 6th August. Any enquiries or registrations about this option will be kept in confidence by our professional conference organisers and the three-person GOVIS conference committee.

To enquire about this option, please contact the conference organiser.


Featured Speakers

Hon Judith Collins - Minister for Digitising Government

Judith Collins is the Attorney-General, Minister of Defence, Minister for Digitising Government, Minister Responsible for the GCSB, Minister Responsible for the NZSIS, Minister of Science, Innovation and Technology, Minister for Space, and Lead Coordination Minister for the Government’s Response to the Royal Commission’s Report into the Terrorist Attack on the Christchurch Mosques. She is the MP for Papakura and was first elected to Parliament to represent the seat of Clevedon in 2002.

Judith held a number of Ministerial Portfolios in the fifth National Government including Police, Justice, Corrections and Revenue. She was leader of the Opposition 2020-21.

Prior to her election to Parliament, Judith was a lawyer and company director. She was Chair of the Casino Control Authority and served as President of the Auckland District Law Society and Vice-President of the New Zealand Law Society.

She holds a Bachelor of Laws, Master of Laws with Honours and a Master of Taxation Studies from the University of Auckland.

Pete Herlihy - AWS

Pete Herlihy is a highly experienced and relentlessly user-centred product manager with a strong technical background. Currently a Principal Product Manager with Amazon Web Services (AWS) based in New Zealand, Pete has global responsibility for stimulating the creation and reuse of open-source digital public infrastructure (DPI) within the public sector and in particular within the Global South. Prior to joining AWS in 2021, Pete was a founding team member of the UK’s Government Digital Service where he worked for over 10 years. Over his time in the UK Government he built and led small, diverse, multi-disciplinary product teams to deliver five of the UK government’s biggest digital successes: GOV.UK, Petitions, Register to vote, GOV.UK Notify, and Emergency Alerts – many of which have gone on to be reused by other governments around the world.

Maria English - ImpactLab

Maria is the CEO of ImpactLab, a start-up that connects decisionmakers in the social sector with data they can trust, use and learn from to do, good, better for their communities. Since launching in 2019, ImpactLab has estimated the impact of over 250 social interventions on the lives of 800,000 New Zealanders across diverse sectors including youth development, housing, whanau ora and financial wellbeing. ImpactLab's toolkit brings together government administrative data, academic evidence and frontline operational data to estimate long-term social return on investment. Maria was New Zealand's Hi-Tech Young Achiever of the Year in 2021, holds a BA in Politics, Psychology and Sociology from Cambridge University, and an MBA from Stanford University.

Catherine Mules - New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

Catherine Mules is a Knowledge and Information Specialist at New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE). Passionate about the combined fields of technology and communications, she has recently completed a Masters degree in Information Governance (UOA), for which she received the Top Student award for Artificial Intelligence Regulation. She also has a background in communications research (Masters of Communication Studies, AUT) and prior to that Publishing (PGDip Publishing, Whitieria).

Key dates

Here are the key dates for the conference. Be sure to tell your friends! They can sign up for updates from GOVIS by clicking here.

Call for presentations (CFP) opens

14 February

CFP closes

8 March

Early bird registration opens & Last day for verbal CFP pitches

13 March

Confirmation of successful presenters

21 March

Conference programme published

4 April

Programme released

4 April

Early bird registration closes

14 June

Pre-conference workshops

5 August

Conference day

6 August

Call for Presentations

The call for presentations for GOVIS 2024 - Trust to Innovate has now Closed

Thanks to all of you who took the time to submit a proposal. We are now working through these and putting together a draft programme - we will get back to everyone who submitted a proposal soon, if we haven't already.

If you didn't get your proposal in, then don't worry - we are always on the lookout for lunchtime forum topics, and topics for the pre-conference workshops. If you have an idea, then please get in touch with us at

GOVIS wishes to acknowledge and thank our conference sponsors for their support